Miracle anti-obesity pill Acomplia rimonabant launched in Europe
Released on = July 3, 2006, 6:12 am
Press Release Author = 121Doc.co.uk
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Acomplia Rimonabant by Sanofi - Aventis, the much awaited anti-obesity drug was launched in Europe last week after more than two years of clinical trials and tests on humans.
Press Release Body = Acomplia, the brand name of Rimonabant has been developed by the French Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis to act as a major deterrent to increasing obesity and smoking. Although it has been permitted to be marketed only as a anti-obesity drug it possesses wondrous properties of curbing smoking and persuade heavy smokers to relinquish the habit as per clinical test results. This drug Acomplia Rimonabant acts on the complex mechanism of the human brain and simultaneously it acts on the nerve cells that control the energetic mechanism of the body. It acts on the part of the brain that is responsible for the pleasurable feeling usually associated with eating a good meal or smoking nicotine or marijuana.
The chemical compounds called Cannabinoids, latch on to the overactive CB1 receptors in overweight and obese individuals, and send out a signal that prompt people to eat more and in the process makes them overweight. Cannabinoid receptor's, part of the Endocannabinoid system in the brain play a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure of our body and are present in the brain and fat cells. Acomplia Rimonabant blocks the CB1 receptors thus reducing the cravings and the urge to overeat and smoke. Diet pill Acomplia Rimonabant prevents action of cannabinoid receptors and in this process curbs appetite. Various clinical tests and trials have shown results where acomplia rimonabant helps in significantly decreasing body weight and waist. Acomplia rimonabant helps in improving lipid and glucose profiles. Acomplia Rimonabant improves a variety of cardiometabolic risk factors in obese and overweight people such as HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Based on various tests it was observed that lipid profile changes with a 23% increase in HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) and a 15% decrease in triglycerides. Usage of Acomplia Rimonabant discouraged smoking even in heavy smokers owing. Acomplia Rimonabant also improves glucose tolerance and increase in insulin levels. Summing up the Acomplia Rimonabant advantages, it can fight obesity, kill the urge to smoke, stop cocaine addiction and obliterate marijuana and alcohol cravings.
Irritability, depression and nausea were few of the symptoms observed as side effects of taking Acomplia. Most of those are short lived and disappear in a very short period of time. The symptoms of staying fat have much worse consequences than anything that has come up in the study of Acomplia Rimonabant side effects. Obesity, smoking, etc. can greatly reduce the lifespan of people. Side effects, due to Acomplia Rimonabant are minor as compared to the enormous benefit caused by taking Acomplia Rimonabant. Acomplia Rimonabant reduces body weight and discourages smoking which can be the biggest incentive of all. Only a minor percentage of people who participated in the trials faced any side effects and acomplia rimonabant advantages are too many to be disregarded
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